Meet The Neighbours

Spotlighting some of our neighbours within the International Network of Churches (INC).

Southern NSW

Castle Hill and Penrith INC - Elevation Church

Elevation Church is a multi-site church, with the Castle Hill INC location being led by Miles and Bonnie Paludan and the Penrith INC location led by Morgan and Amanda Campbell.

Both locations hold in-person and online services regularly on Sundays - if you’d like more information or would like to join an in-person or online service, you can find service times here for Elevation Church Hills and for Elevation Church Penrith!


Nowra, Batemans Bay and Macarthur INC - City Church

City Church is a collection of INC churches, with the Nowra INC location led by Jason and Michelle Smith, the Batemans Bay INC location led by Cameron and Shelley Condon and the Macarthur location led by Timonthy and Sherie George.

City Church found its origins in 1987 as Christian Outreach Centre Nowra, facilitating a meeting of 10 people. Today, it has grown to three locations and a thriving community under the leadership of Senior Pastors Jason and Michelle Smith, who have led City Church since 2015.

You can find more information and service times for each location in the links below:


Gosford INC - Daybreak Church

Marcus and Racheal McDonnell are the pastors of Gosford INC’s Daybreak Church, located in Wyoming. Having had over 15 years of experience across various ministries including church plants, Indigenous ministries and being part of the senior management team of Australia’s largest recovery centre, where they lived onsite caring for the participants, Marcus and Racheal, alongside their four children, now proudly lead the community at Daybreak Church.

More information about the Daybreak Church community, as well as service times for anyone able to join, is available on their website!


Blacktown INC - Revelations Church

Gus and Janet Ahio are the Senior Pastors of Revelations Church, based in Sydney with an additional location in Brisbane. The community at Revelations Church have recently held a Tonga Rebuild Gospel Concert, an amazing event with the purpose of fundraising to assist our INC Church in Tonga via their Tsunami Appeal.

For more information about the community at Revelations Church, such as their service times and general events, check out their Facebook page!


Cronulla INC - 3D Church

Luke and Amber Harris lead 3D Church, our INC community in Cronulla. Having recently celebrated their one-year anniversary as a church, Luke and Amber are excited about what God has in store for the community at 3D Church in 2022!

You can find more details about their services and upcoming series, Not Today Satan, on their website or their socials (Instagram and Facebook).


Shellharbour INC - Shellharbour Community Church

Pastored by Shane and Rachael Cook, Shellharbour Community Church is a church whose mission is “to glorify God by demonstrating outrageous love for people, our community, and the nations – with compassion, service and the message of Jesus.”

In addition to their church facilities, the community at Shellharbour also serve through their Sprouts Early Learning centre, their FoodCare initiative, CityServe - a local collaboration between regional churches, businesses and councils to serve the city, their Manna Bookstore and their Business Hub, an online connection point for local business leaders.

You can find more information about Shellharbour Community Church and their upcoming events here!