
An overview of recent, current and upcoming happenings across Faith Family.

Last Month: March 2022


Ps Rick Brewer | 06 March, 2022

Ps Phil Campbell | 13 March, 2022

Ps Rick Brewer | 20 March, 2022

The Book of John

The Book of John has been a great series so far as we have learned about the history, context, and concepts of the first few chapters of John. As we press into April, we will be continuing this series - let us know if you’ve been enjoying it via our socials (on our Facebook and Instagram pages)!


This Month: April 2022


Easter at Faith Family

This year, Easter at Faith Family Church is going to be amazing! Make sure to join us for both our services:

  • Our Good Friday service is a service aimed at our church community with more of an internal focus of reflection and the purpose of the Easter holiday season.

  • Our Easter Sunday service is externally aimed as a major invite opportunity for our church community to bring their families and friends to a wonderful, family-focused celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

We can’t wait to see you at Faith Family this Easter!


Coming Up:


40th Anniversary

We are celebrating 40 years of Christian Outreach Centre / International Network of Churches Coffs Harbour! We would love you to join us for a birthday party on Saturday the 4th of June and a special church service on Sunday the 5th of June!

(More information to come in later Issues!)