Faith Family Church is a collection of churches across the Mid North Coast of NSW, Australia. Faith Family Church is a part of the International Network of Churches (INC), formerly known as Christian Outreach Centre.
Birthed out of a passion for God and a vision for revival throughout Australia, INC began in Brisbane, Australia in 1974 with many thousands of people coming to know Jesus Christ through powerful gospel-based preaching. From an initial meeting of 25 people in a living room, this pioneering movement has expanded to include hundreds of churches in more than 40 nations across the globe.
Faith Family Church originated from the expansion of Coffs Harbour’s INC location, Harbour Church, from a singular location to the central hub of a multisite network of churches, beginning in 2019. Today, Faith Family Church is a collection of churches with locations in Coffs Harbour, Taree, Grafton, and Gloucester.
With strong values for helping people to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Their Purpose, and Make A Difference in their world, Faith Family Church exists to pursue the mission of seeing “Australia For Christ”.
Learn more about our Faith Family Church locations below!
Our Values
Know God
Undoubtedly, one of our greatest responsibilities as a Faith Family is to reach people who do not know God personally. We consider our Services to be an excellent point of outreach for this purpose, as they are a place for people at all stages in their spiritual journey, but are primarily designed for those who do not yet have a genuine relationship with God.
We believe church should be enjoyable: a place where people experience God’s presence, where people learn how the Bible applies to their daily lives, and where people can accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We run Services in different styles because we believe that it is natural for people to have different preferences for worship, preaching, and ministry expressions.
Find Freedom
Faith Family Church places a high value on Connect Groups - after all, life is better together! These Connect Groups come in all shapes and sizes and help to meet the need that every human has for real connection with others, to “know and to be known.” We see our church locations as a local expression of the family of God. We are founded on our love for Jesus and obedience to His teaching. A healthy family has many generations, values diversity, is nurturing, and is encouraging.
In a happy family, everyone finds a place to belong, healthy boundaries are evident, and every person contributes according to their ability.
Discover Your Purpose
At Faith Family Church, we believe that God has equipped every one of us with unique and specific knowledge, gifts, and talents to serve and impact others - all for the sake of reaching more people with the Good News of salvation through Jesus. You are equipped with connections, abilities, and knowledge that is unique to you; why not learn how to use these to impact others for Christ?
Make A Difference
We believe that the instructions of Jesus through the Great Commission are clear and straightforward:
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18 - 20 [New Living Translation]
Sharing hospitality and opportunities to know God with our neighbours, reaching our local communities, and going out towards the greater world with the Good News of Jesus Christ are all values that we hold strongly at Faith Family Church. We are one Church with many expressions and understand that each of us has a unique and important part to play in seeing our world receive salvation and live in the fullness of life that God offers.
Our Community Impact
Foodcare is a not-for-profit organisation that works alongside local grocery stores and food rescue organisations to provide affordable access to food and other essential goods such as hygiene products, tupperware, and clothing to members of the community who may otherwise be unable to obtain these goods.
Foodcare is a hub for the neighbourhood at Faith Family Church Taree and Grafton, providing low-cost food. It’s a place for everyone who calls their neighbourhood “home”. For what’s on offer at Foodcare in your area, contact your local Faith Family Church.
Global Care
Global Care is the disaster relief arm of International Network of Churches (INC) and exists to spread kindness and love across Australia and the rest of the world through helping communities when they are at their lowest.
Global Care provides much more than disaster relief, with 97 local operations responding to the specific needs of the people that make up their communities. While each community across Australia may require a different form of aid, the focus of every Global Care outreach centre is still the same: Mateship. For enquiries about ways to partner with Global Care, contact your local Faith Family Church.
Red Frogs
Young people and risky behaviour go together like peanut butter and jam. When this classic combo get together, Red Frogs is there to help. From end-of-school celebrations to festivals, universities, sporting events, and secondary school educational programs, you’ll find the Red Frog Crew active and about!
Red Frogs was founded to:
Provide a positive presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather
Educate young people on safe partying behaviours
Promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.
Supporting, serving, and safeguarding young people between the ages of 18 - 30, all with the goal of “Safeguarding a Generation”; that is the mission of Red Frogs. For more information about ways to partner with local Red Frogs representatives, contact your local Faith Family Church.
Faith Family partners with the Bali Protestant Church to support their many areas of social justice, providing services and opportunities for those in greatest need. Many members of our Faith Family community personally sponsor children being cared for and educated in their children homes. As a church, we provide support through prayer and finances as well as regular mission trips to the churches and children homes.
With the onset of COVID-19, the people of Bali have been hit hard. In response, our Faith Family has increased our giving to meet the increased needs in our partner churches and communities - we are blessed to be a blessing and together we are making a real difference in Bali for the glory of Jesus Christ and His church.
For more information about how to partner with our extended Faith Family in the Bali Protestant Church, contact your local Faith Family Church.