Our Story
Formerly known as Christian Outreach Centre, International Network of Churches (INC) is a growing network of churches across the world. Birthed out of a passion for God and a vision for revival throughout Australia, INC began in Brisbane, Australia, in 1974. Through powerful gospel-based preaching many thousands of people came to know Jesus Christ. From the initial 25 people meeting in a living room, this pioneering movement has exploded to include hundreds of churches in more than 40 nations.
Coffs Harbour INC (also known as Harbour Church) was founded in 1982 by Pastors Kevin and Dianne Matthewson. They served as senior pastors for 22 years. In January of 2004 Pastor Phil and Justine Campbell were welcomed as the new senior pastors.
Taree INC was founded in 1980 in a farmhouse when there was a great move of God and many farming families in the area came to know God. From Taree over 35 churches have been started through NSW. Led at first at by Pastor David and Trish McDonald who went to lead other churches and the INC movement. Pastor Ron and Lyn Jones then led the church for 22 years, and Pastor Wayne and Kathy Tyrie for 7 years. In May 2019 Ps Rick and Jenny Brewer moved from Citipointe North Brisbane to Taree INC. In 2019, Taree INC joined with Harbour Church to help each other grow the kingdom of God.
Grafton INC was founded in 1979, and in 2019 joined with Taree INC and Harbour Church. As Ps John and Lorraine Baker retired from 24 years of serving the Grafton community, Ps Danny and Lynne Whalen have been caring for the church since January 2020.
In 2020, these three INC churches welcomed Gloucester INC into its network and all collectively became known as Faith Family Church.
Our Style
Life is better together
We want to make it as simple as possible for people to find God and worship Him. We run services in different styles because we believe that it is natural for people to have different preferences for worship, preaching and ministry expressions.
Faith Family Church places a high value on Connect Groups. These come in all shapes and sizes and help to meet the need that every human has for real connection with others, to “know and to be known.” We see our church locations as a local expression of the family of God. We are founded on our love for Jesus and obedience to His teaching. A healthy family has many generations, values diversity, is nurturing and encouraging.
In a happy family everyone finds a place to belong, healthy boundaries are evident, and person contributes according to their ability.