Behind The Scenes

A deeper understanding of the processes and procedures within Faith Family.

Growth Track

Growth Track is a three-part course that has been adapted and implemented by Faith Family Church, originally formed from the skeleton of Church of the Highlands’ Growth Track format. Known as Harbour Church at the time, the Coffs Harbour location began running Growth Track in 2018 as both a historical introduction to the church for new and intrigued members of the congregation as well as an equipping tool for those who serve or wish to serve in the church, learning more about each person’s spiritual gifts, individual preferences for connection with God and personality types. The process for Growth Track has been refined over time, now having been resolved in a simple three week system that is run across multiple Faith Family locations with the purpose of making it as simple as possible for people to find God and worship Him.

Step One of Growth Track (“Join Faith Family”) is all about learning about the history of Faith Family, as well as the key values and governance that are embraced and upheld within Faith Family. It helps us to connect people to leaders who are then able to facilitate steps to salvation, joining a Connect Group and even becoming certified to serve.

Step Two of Growth Track (“Discover Your Design”) is comprised of personality tests and quizzes that enable individuals to learn about their specific inclinations in terms of time with God (known as “Sacred Pathways”), as well as their natural personality type (via a DiSC Assessment) and their personal spiritual giftings (through a Spiritual Gifts Assessment). This Step is entirely about the individual and their relationship with God, which helps us to estimate how a person might best fit within either a specific serving role or within an interest-based Connect Group.

Step Three of Growth Track (“Join The Team”) is the final checkpoint for anyone looking to join the Serve Team; available within the Step are several information bites about servant leadership and things that may stand in the way from a person choosing to serve, as well as the opportunity to sign the Faith Family Honour Code and to agree to our standard Safe Churches Practices prior to serving. Following a completed Serve Team application, one of the facilitators of the session will look to organize a one-on-one meeting to discuss which areas might be best to start serving within.

Growth Track exists to guide people to discover their purpose and live the life God has created for them. The Steps within it look to equip individuals to connect to Faith Family, discover the strengths of their own design and to use their God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.

If you are interested in signing up for Growth Track or want to re-familiarise yourself with the program alongside someone who is interested in serving or joining the church, you can find more information at!