
An overview of recent, current and upcoming happenings across Faith Family.

Last Month: May 2022


Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is coming up and we are so excited to celebrate all of our amazing mums and mothers-in-faith! Keep an eye on our social media feeds (Facebook and Instagram) for more information about our Mother’s Day celebrations through this month!


Legacy Night & Annual General Meeting

Last month, we gathered both in-person and via Zoom for this year’s Annual General Meeting, where we unpacked the financials behind the year that was 2021.
Following the AGM, we also held our next Legacy Night, where Ps Phil was able to share his vision and hopes for our upcoming season as a Faith Family!
A big thank you to all who were able to attend these events and to those who submitted questions for our AGM.


The Family Table

Our May sermon series, The Family Table, is approaching its conclusion with a final message on Sunday, 29th May entitled Dining With The Enemy! Be sure to rewatch any messages you may have missed or need to recap here on our website or on our YouTube channel!

Ps Phil Campbell | May 1st, 2022

Ps Alyce Parker | 08 May, 2022

Ps Phil Campbell | 15th May, 2022


This Month: June 2022


Homecoming Weekend:
40th Anniversary

We are celebrating 40 years of Christian Outreach Centre / International Network of Churches Coffs Harbour! We would love you to join us for a birthday party on Saturday the 4th of June and a special church service on Sunday the 5th of June!

To RSVP, head to our Facebook event page for our Homecoming Weekend here!