
An overview of recent, current and upcoming happenings across Faith Family.

Last Month: February 2022


Ps Rick Brewer | 16 January, 2022

Ps Phil Campbell | 23 January, 2022

On Mission

On Mission has been a great series based on learning we learned how to equip ourselves and our local churches with tools and understanding towards how we can serve others the way Jesus instructed us to. We heard from Ps Phil Campbell about being On Mission At Home, from Ps Matthew Rees about being On Mission In Your Neighbourhood and we’ll hear the final message of this series on Sunday 27th February!


This Month: March 2022


March Series:

The Book of John

In March, we will be launching a six-week preaching series based around the book of John.

Be sure to join us live on Facebook each Sunday at 10:00am for our Online Service, with the first message of this new series broadcasting March 6th!