Faith Family Christmas Appeal
As a church family, we are going to love on some people that are doing it tough this Christmas within our church community and community at large with grocery vouchers. Tap your location below to start the donation process. In exchange, you will be given something to place on our Christmas Appeal Tree. If there is someone you know that is doing it tough, please let us know via hello@faithfamily.com.au
Donations paid online are tax deductible.

Faith Family partners with the Bali Protestant Churches to reach their communities for Christ. We do this through praying for them, giving of our finances and through regular mission trips.

inc ministries
About Red Frogs
Red Frogs is a support program for young people from the ages of 13 – 30. Red Frogs recognises that the culture of young people is dominated by alcohol and that excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances can lead to dangerous and life-altering behaviours. Therefore They’ve made it Their mission to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather; educate young people on safe partying behaviours; and promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments
About Global Care
Global Care is the disaster relief arm of International Network of Churches (INC) and exists to spread kindness and love across Australia and the rest of the world through helping communities when they are at their lowest. Global Care is best known for its volunteer army in their trademark blue T-shirts, who have proved themselves reliable and invaluable in the aftermath of significant Australian natural disasters. Global Care provides much more than disaster relief, with our 97 local operations responding to the specific needs of the people that make up their communities.
Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10
We Are Blessed to be a Blessing
Jesus tells us clearly that we are more blessed in our giving than in our getting, in fact he talked about this subject more than he did about Heaven, Hell or even prayer. A trait of those that are part of our Faith Family is generosity, our God is generous and He calls us to imitate Him as demonstrated by the generous life of Jesus.
Thank you for choosing to be generous today.