Red Frogs Australia
Red Frogs is a support program for young people from the ages of 13 – 30. They recognise that the culture of young people is dominated by alcohol and that excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances can lead to dangerous and life-altering behaviours. Therefore they’ve made it their mission to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather; educate young people on safe partying behaviours; and promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.
Global Care Australia
As an extension of the local church, Global Care operations are on a mission to love and serve their local communities. Each local Global Care operation responds to the specific needs of the people in their respective community. Local operations have established food care programs, counselling services, low-cost shopping opportunities, and support for minority groups. In the event of a natural disaster, local churches are equipped and empowered to respond accordingly.
Widya Asih Foundation
The Widhya Asih Foundation operates children’s homes and family support programs throughout Bali in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Widhya Asih Foundation also meets the Indonesian national standards for children’s homes. Unlike orphanages which default to taking children from their families, the Widhya Asih Foundation focuses on working with underprivileged families to provide the best possible outcomes for the children whilst maintaining strong family connections where possible.
Pathfinders Coffs Harbour
Pathfinders is a not-for-profit with a large footprint across regional New England North West and Mid North Coast regions of New South Wales. Pathfinders operates a broad suite of programs, projects and services aiming to improve the quality of life and wellbeing for children, youth and families within the communities they service. Their focus is on addressing the complex challenges and issues within the social care landscape. They facilitate foster care, out-of-home care, homelessness services, family referral services and supported independent living for young people.
Sanctuary Australia
Sanctuary Australia Foundation is a multi-award winning, independent registered charity that is based in Coffs Harbour and has supported refugees from many war-torn areas of the world for over thirty years. It continues to welcome refugees of all backgrounds, and provide them with much-needed support to help them to feel at home in their new community.
Lifeline North Coast
Lifeline North Coast has been proudly serving the local community for more than 35 years. They are active partners in the national network that provides a high-quality telephone service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to those in crisis. They focus on suicide prevention through this service, and align with Lifeline Australia’s vision for “An Australia free of suicide”. Their capacity comes from the many committed volunteers who work with us, and are guided by our volunteer Board of Governance. Lifeline contributes to a national suicide prevention phone, text, and online service. They are a part of the robust national network providing Australians experiencing a crisis with confidential access to 24-hour support and suicide prevention services.