Connect Groups
Move from the “crowd’ and find your “crew”.
We are better, together.
At Faith Family, we believe that you were made to be in relationships! In our experience, finding your “crew” has got to be one of the best ways you can live life to its fullest. Take your next step with us and express your interest in joining a group below.
Young Adult Bible Study
When: Weekly Tuesday @ 6pm
Where: Coffs Harbour
Who for: Mixed Young Adults
What to expect: A community of people who are keen to strengthen and build their relationship with God as they grow in their knowledge of Him and each other.
Leader: Beth MacDonald -
Mixed Bible Study
When: Weekly Sunday @ 12:30pm
Where: Bonville
Who for: Mixed Couples
What to expect: Intentional time of Bible Study and in-depth conversation
Leader: Jon + Hollie Neasham -
Women's Bible Study
When: Every Wednesday @ 10:15am
Where: Church Courtyard
Who for: Women of all ages and stages
What to expect: Great conversation and connection as we study the Bible together
Leader: Emma Ebeling -
Young Families Connect Group
When: Fortnightly Sunday after the service
Where: Boambee
Who for: Young families looking to grow, learn about Jesus and do life together.
What to expect: Lunch, conversation and a safe place where you and your kids can be!
Leader: Cuan + Katie Stephens -
Young Families Connect Group
When: Weekly Thursday @ 6pm
Where: Coffs Harbour
Who for: Young families
What to expect: A great afternoon of connecting to start the week off well!
Leader: Drew + Nadine Gain -
Coffee in the Courtyard
When: Every Tuesday @ 10:30 am
Where: Church Courtyard
Who for: Over 50s who are looking for connection in their season
What to expect: Coffee, conversation and great connection
Leader: Evelynne + Don Judkins -
Young Families Connect Group
When: Fortnightly Sunday after the service
Where: Bonville
Who for: Young families who are keen to connect in a crazy season
What to expect: Lunch, conversation with a side of chaos
Leader: Prashan and Paige Thevarajah -
Women's Creative Connect
When: Fortnightly Saturday @ 2pm
Where: At church
Who for: Creatively inclined women of all ages and stages of life
What to expect: Great conversation while we create with our hands
Leader: Rachel Brockbank -
Women's Bible Study
When: Weekly Wednesday @ 6:30pm
Where: Church
Who for: Women looking to go deeper into the Word together
What to expect: Life-giving conversation
Leader: Justine Campbell -
Family Night
When: Weekly Thursday @ 6pm
Where: Church
Who for: Those looking to be a part of our Faith Family
What to expect: Food, conversation and connection
Leader: Phil + Justine Campbell -
Men's Prayer Group
When: Wednesday morning’s @ 6am
Where: The Jetty (near Hub Cafe)
Who for: Men of all ages who want to see Coffs look more like Heaven
What to expect: Coffee, prayer, accountability and a swim!
Leader: Prashan Thevarajah -
Family Dinner
When: Tuesday night @ 6pm
Where: TBC
Who for: Empty nesters who are looking for full connection and conversations
What to expect: Great food, wholesome conversation and intentional connection
Leader: Dave + Kylie Slater -
Youth Connect Group
When: Sunday morning pre-service
Where: Church
Who for: Our amazing youth
What to expect: Food, hangs and chats before Sunday Service
Leader: Anton + Nicola Metekingi -
Alpha Course
When: Runs seasonally
Where: Church
Who for: Anyone questioning whether there is more to life than this
What to expect: Great coffee and pastries, amazing conversation and authentic connections.
Leader: Alpha Team